LLC Neftegazstroy-Volgograd performed works at the facilities by order of Transneft on the basis of Contract No. 4155−18TSD/201 801 146/8-NGS-V dated 20.02.2019, concluded with Premium, for construction and installation works during construction, reconstruction, repair of facilities of Transneft system organizations during implementation of Development, Technical Upgrade and Reconstruction Program, Capital and Current Repair Program for the facility: 01-TPR-001−20 221 Expansion of main oil pipeline system to provide oil export through Novorossiysk port in the amount up to 40 million tons per year.
"Kuibyshev-Tikhoretsk" main pipeline at "Samara-Zenzevatka" section (reconstruction). Linear part of 500.0 — 555.4 km on "Krasnoarmeyskaya-Zenzevatka" section.
LLC Neftegazstroy-Volgograd performed construction and installation works under the Contractor Agreement No. GSP7−54/20 dated 15.07.2020 for the construction project "Novomikul'sk compressor station" within the project "Ukhta-Torzhok Main Pipeline System. Line II (Yamal)".
LLC Neftegazstroy-Volgograd cooperated with "Park-Neft" company at the Samara and Kuibyshev refineries.
It provided technical assistance to KIRUS on the construction project "Novopskov-Aksai-Mozdok" trunk gas pipeline Ø 1220 mm section 46 km — 51 km".
Special-purpose vehicles with the crew of LLC Neftegazstroy-Volgograd were used by LLC ANOD-PLUS in the facility "Replacement of field cleaning and diagnostic chamber at the 846th km of "Kuibyshev-Lisichansk" main pipeline DN-1200 (launching, receiving) to the factory version. Volgograd District Oil Pipeline Department. Reconstruction (01-TPR-001−9 144)".
Currently LLC Neftegazstroy-Volgograd performs construction and installation works related to re-construction of gas distribution networks, power transmission lines and other linear facilities under the Contractor Agreement No. SE0004 SP/2022−07 dated 16.02.2022 for the project: "Construction of Second, Third and Fourth Start-Up Complexes of Bridge Crossing through the Volga River in the city of Volgograd. The third start-up complex". Stage 1. Construction of storm water drainage and local treatment facilities at distance 0 — 6+50, located at Sredneakhtubinsk Municipal District, Volgograd Region, by order of the Joint-Stock Company "EKS Group of Companies".
LLC NGS-V has also successfully implemented projects commissioned by "Transneft", "Gazprom" companies and the Volgograd Region Administration: